Hookers and Swingers Competition
The Hookers and Swingers competition takes place at Spean Bridge Golf Club on 24th June. See below for details.
Senior League Winner for 2020
The year that was – January to March “frozen, wet and dry” conditions prevailed. April – July “LOCKDOWN and Covid-19 stopped play for a few weeks and upon return to play the field size had dwindled somewhat”. August to December “hot, wet, windy, more rain, cold-wet-windy, all amongst the backdrop of coronavirus, then out of the blue the front runner contracted (or was spiked with) a bug that laid him up for 2 weeks of prime playing time. Then wouldn’t you know it, upon his return SNOW and ICE closed the playground”! Amid all of this turmoil emerged the Secretary – unafraid, bold, focused and determined!! Congratulations to Brian Smith, winner of the Senior League for 2020, by some strange twist of fate we might add!
World Handicap System
The handicap system is changing.
From 1st November 2020 the Scottish Golf Union will be adopting the World Handicap System. For information about this new system and how it will affect how your handicap is determined go to: